Amit Mishra ( Bureau Chief, Mumbai )


Payal Ghosh has been signed to play the main female lead in Avanti Arts ‘ RED . Which Was Produced by Rajeev Chaudhari ( Sr trade analyst and film ‘Beiimaan love’ fame) along with Rekha Jagtap. Film ‘RED’ was launched at Stone Recording studio Mumbai.

RED is being scheduled to be shot in Nov 2020 and is Written and directed by versatile filmmaker Ashok Tyagi.

“I am doing the main female lead role in Rajeev Chaudhari’s RED being directed by Ashok Tyagi. After hearing the script I felt I can do justice to the character since it portrays woman empowerment which presently I can very well relate with, plus it extends an opportunity to me to look like my favourite Madhubalaji of golden Bollywood Era with different shades in the character which appealed my artistic and creative sense” asserted Payal Ghosh.


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