Dr. Dilip Agnihotri


The Department of Medieval and Modern History organised a series of lectures by eminent historians. On 20th November 2020 eminent professor P.K. Ghosh delivered a lecture titled Whispering Reminiscences: Lal Baradari of Lucknow University. The Department also organised an Exhibition on the theme “Bylanes of History”. The Exhibition was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Professor Alok Kumar Rai where eminent experts of the department conveyed honourable vice chancellor about the historical development of Indian medieval and how it it related to the modern history of India and the world.

Thereafter, Prof. Rai visited the museum of Ancient Indian History department. To the Honourable Vice Chancellor it was told that the credit of establishing the Archaeological Museum of the Ancient Indian History and Archeology Department of Lucknow University, Lucknow, is credited to the former Head of Department Prof. B.B.N. Srivastava (1976-1988). The purpose of establishing this museum is to provide students with information about various periods of ancient Indian history through replicas of sculpture, architecture, and stylized architecture. The museum has exhibits of statues, temples, rock-cut architecture related to various periods (from Mauryan period to pre-medieval period). Later this museum expanded with the collection of antiquities, priests and epigraphs from various places by archaeological explorations and excavations in the Upper and Middle Ganges Plain under the direction of Dr. DP Tiwari. According to chronology here the following Palaeolithic period, Neolithic period, Indus-Saraswati culture, pre-painted gray pottery culture, painted gray pottery culture, northern Krishnamarjit pottery culture, Mauryan period, Sunga period, Kushan period, Gupta period, pre-middle period and middle There is a collection and display of antiquities and artifacts of the period.


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