Dr. Dilip Agnihotri


The Corona crisis has affected human life in a big way. There has been awareness in the world about ancient Indian lifestyle, Ayurveda, yoga and nature conservation promotion etc. The disadvantages of consumerist western culture were clearly seen. The unlimited exploitation of nature has added to the crisis. Its solution is possible only through Indian culture. The sages here had done scientific research in this regard thousands of years ago. Not only this, the idea of ​​nature conservation was easily included in the lifestyle. In this tree, river mountain, everyone was bowed to divine honor. Legislation was made to plant peepal banyan neem in Tulsi ji village in the courtyard of the house. The establishment of Panchavati was encouraged. All this easily and naturally became a part of life. All these have also contributed in making ancient India prosperous. Western culture also had an adverse effect on India. There was no respect for nature conservation and promotion as before. But the Corona crisis has also inspired us to return to our roots. There was a shortage of oxygen at the beginning of the second corona wave. Then the discussion of the importance of trees also started. Yogi Adityanath of Uttar Pradesh had decided to conduct the Van Mahotsav in a new form only after becoming the Chief Minister. This journey of the festival is moving forward, setting new records every year. This time a target of planting 30 crore saplings was set. To a large extent this goal has been accomplished. Rest of the plants will be planted during this rainy season. This time people were told anew the glory and usefulness of trees. So that everyone should be aware of environmental protection. It was told that trees control global warming by removing harmful gases from the atmosphere. They reduce the effect of greenhouse. Air quality increases. The leaves of the tree are good collectors of dust particles.

Plantation of tree species Peepal, Banyan, Pakad, Gular, Neem, Mango, Jamun, Mahua, Tamarind, Amaltas, Ashok, Drumstick has been done on a large scale to purify the environment, control dust and temperature and control noise pollution. It was also told that a tree produces an average of two hundred and sixty pounds or eighty three thousand liters of oxygen every year. A person needs five and a half hundred liters of oxygen per day. In the present tree plantation mass movement, trees to be established in the future by planting thirty crore saplings in the state will fulfill the oxygen requirement of about twelve and a half crore citizens. Trees purify the environment by absorbing carbon dioxide. Forest cover and tree cover act as a carbon sink. A mature tree absorbs fifty pounds of carbon dioxide per year, ie thirteen pounds of carbon. About nine lakh metric tons of carbon will be absorbed by the trees to be established with 300 million plantations. Products of trees like medicinal plants, fruits and drumsticks increase immunity and supply nutrients. The body’s immunity increases. Along with drumstick plants of medicinal and fruit-bearing species were planted in the Gram Panchayats. Governor Anandiben Patel had started the 25 crore plantation program in a single day at Smriti Vatika on Simardha Dam of Jhansi. He planted Harishankari sapling here. In this program five thousand saplings were planted and ten thousand drumstick saplings were distributed to the villagers. Anandi Ben said that Van Mahotsav is an occasion to express gratitude towards the benevolence of nature. Trees have a special place in our rich culture and tradition. Trees are considered very revered in Indian culture. Peepal is the best in the plant world. Trees like Neem, Amla, Banyan, etc., along with being a storehouse of medicinal properties, play an important role in maintaining human health. Such a big goal of the state government can be accomplished only with public cooperation. The efforts being made by the state government in the direction of making the state green and moving forward on the path of development is commendable. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had started tree plantation by planting saplings in Sultanpur district. He had planted a plant of Harishankari in the green field Purvanchal Expressway Sultanpur. Green belt is being developed in the state especially between expressways, national highways, state highways and national highways and service lanes. In the Valmiki Ramayana, eighty eight tree species and a group of forests are mentioned. Yogi Adityanath included Ramvan Gaman Path in Van Mahotsav campaign. Under this, the gardens mentioned in Ramayana are being established on this route. New records are being made in Van Mahotsav. One of these records is that of planting one hundred croreth sapling during the tenure of the present state government. Hundred crore saplings have been planted in the last five years. Yogi said that it is fortunate that today he got an opportunity to plant the sacred plants of Panchavati, Navagraha and Nakshatra Vatika related to the ancient Rishi tradition of India. All of us are working to connect ourselves with our ancient tradition by planting sacred trees derived from the heritage of Rishi tradition of India. Out of the eighty eight tree species mentioned in Ramayana, thirty tree species are being planted according to the soil, environment and climate of the state. Villagers will get fruits, fodder, timber and medicines from this large scale plantation. Plantation was done in the memory of a loved one who was lost due to Kovid epidemic or other reasons by establishing Smriti Vatika in the Gram Sabhas of the state. To increase the income of the farmers, plantation of timber and fruit plants was done on the land of the Gram Panchayat. Drumstick plants were planted in the schools of the state to be used in mid-day meals for food security and nutrition.

In nurseries and plantations, about thirty thousand quintals of Jeevamrut were used in nurseries to give nutrients to plants. Organic pesticides have been used in nurseries and in plantations. More than twelve thousand quintals of compost manure was used in the nurseries and plantation areas of the Forest Department to provide proper nutrients to the plants for their health and high growth rate.
It is evident that the present government of Uttar Pradesh gave importance to the Indian thought of environmental nature promotion. The government is conscious of the environment and nature conservation.


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