Lucknow. To commemorate the birthday of Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, the University of Lucknow initiated a unique celebration. Vice Chancellor Prof. Alok Kumar Rai, along with Dr. Vinod Singh (Registrar), Mr. Ravi Singh (DFO, Lucknow), Dr. Deshdeepak (Superintendent, Ground and Garden), Prof. Poonam Tandon (DSW), Prof. Dinesh Kumar (Proctor), Dr. Durgesh Srivastava (Superintendent, Works Department) planted 51 saplings of Peepal at the old and new campus of the University.

On the occasion, Prof. Alok Kumar Rai said that as a person who inspires wisdom, encourages enlightenment through education and protects everyone around him, our Prime Minister represents grandeaur, gravity and grace himself and therefore, the plantation drive is an apt way to honour his magnanimous personality. Prof. Rai has been acutely conscious about the role of the University of Lucknow in improving the city’s green quotient from the day he took charge at the University. He hopes these trees too, grow and become active contributors towards the University’s as well as the city of Lucknow’s green assets.


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